Essential Juice Benefits

Rani juices (Products of Rani Foods Private Limited) are pure fruit infused sensation that provides a great taste and takes you on a rich and exotic journey. Our extensive range of fruit juices are all 100% blends of fruit with close-to-no preservatives, artificial flavors, and artificial colorants. Just the way they should be!

Juice Full of Nutrients

Nutritional benefits

Crazy Healthy, Crazy Delicious, and Utterly Good-tasting


Through constant feedback and support, and by employing industry best practices using state-of-the-art machinery, and production process, both of our high-grade, best-tasting, premium-category brands; FRUIT EDGE & FRUIT LAYS (Products of Rani Foods Private Limited) ensures and guarantees consumer satisfaction at par and beyond. See how our passion to produce finest quality juices have enabled us to create a distinctive brand identity and grow, thrive and sustain in the highly competitive industry.

Wellbeing Benefits of Rani Juice